We encourage AzVMA members to contact our allied members first when considering sources for veterinary products and services. Listings are organized by business categories.
Click on the Allied Industry Directory image to see the contact information for Allied Members. If you have trouble opening the PDF directory file, Adobe has a free Adobe Reader download.
We appreciate that learning to trust and respect each other is a fundamental part of our success and is the foundation for the Allied Group.
We are aware that our personal behavior is a reflection of our professionalism.
We strive to maintain and advance our clinical/professional expertise and share that with our veterinary community.
We foster positive, collaborative relationships and interactions with fellow industry representatives as well as the AZVMA Staff, Board, and VHCTAz.
We understand that our individual engagement and involvement in this group is integral to the success of the Allied Program.
We recognize, respect, and value the diversity of this group as a source of strength.
Committee, Chair
Professionalism is not just about appearance or a code of conduct. It is about having a dedication and commitment to higher standards, values, and self-improvement. Professionalism is a built-in guidance system for always doing and being the best that you can be.
Arizona Veterinary Medical Association
100 W Coolidge St.
Phoenix, AZ 85013
Phone: (602) 242-7936
Fax: (602) 249-3828
Business Hours
Weekdays 9 AM – 4:30 PM
In Office: Mon, Tues, Thurs
Remote: Wed, Fri
Ⓒ 2025 Arizona Veterinary Medical Association