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Political Action Committee

The Arizona Veterinary Medical Association Political Action Committee (AzVMA-PAC) pools individual donations from Arizona veterinarians and makes campaign contributions to candidates for state office.

The AzVMA-PAC targets money exclusively to state candidates. The AzVMA-PAC is a voluntary, nonprofit, unincorporated committee of individuals concerned with the well-being of veterinary medicine. It is registered with the Arizona Secretary of State in compliance with Arizona laws. Established by the Arizona Veterinary Medical Association, AzMVA-PAC is an independent, autonomous organization maintained as a separate fund.

Why is AzVMA-PAC Important?

AzVMA-PAC plays a crucial role in protecting and advancing veterinary medicine in Arizona. It serves as a unified platform for coordinating, mobilizing, and informing industry professionals about key legislative actions that impact our profession’s future. Contributions to AzVMA-PAC enable us to support and endorse state candidates who prioritize the well-being and future of veterinary medicine in Arizona.

Why You Need to be Involved

Government actions have a significant impact on your livelihood in veterinary medicine. It’s crucial for the veterinary profession to stay engaged with those who govern and regulate. With increasing bureaucracy and regulations, your involvement is more important than ever. The AzVMA-PAC provides the platform to turn your concern into meaningful action and positive outcomes. Every dollar you contribute strengthens our efforts and helps secure the future of your practice.

Your contributions to the AzVMA-PAC will:

Help make AzVMA become an important player in the legislative arena
Make a statement that you are willing to invest in your industry
Show that you are a proactive, involved, and informed professional
Contribute to the strength of the veterinary medical profession
Give AzVMA the firepower it needs to get the attention of legislators

Advocacy for AZ veterinarians

Grassroots efforts by veterinarians working together through the association are our strongest defense against harmful legislation. Your voice becomes even more powerful when legislators know you and understand the challenges you face. Get involved today—make your voice heard and help shape the future of veterinary medicine!