“Heartworms Unraveled” provides comprehensive, staff-oriented education on heartworm management.”
Holly Springs, NC — Whether their goal is to provide comprehensive staff training on all things heartworm-related—or to simply adopt client-friendly talking points on heartworm diagnosis, prevention and treatment —veterinary practices can now access the American Heartworm Society (AHS) “Heartworms Unraveled” for their clinical staff members.
“Heartworms Unraveled” is a series of five video-based training modules created to provide comprehensive staff education on heartworm biology, heartworm life cycle and epidemiology; heartworm testing; heartworm prevention; heartworm treatment; and feline heartworm disease. The video faculty includes specialists and practitioners from the AHS board of directors, as well as AHS board member and certified veterinary technician Paola Dominguez-Lopez, who provides client education tips at the conclusion of each training module.
“We see clinical training that equips veterinary technicians and other staff members to confidently speak with clients about the importance of heartworm management as one of our top priorities,” says AHS President Jenni Rizzo, DVM. “Heartworm disease is a serious and complex disease in dogs and cats, and veterinary staff members play an invaluable role in educating clients about it. Not only do staff members interact with virtually every client in the practice, but as committed pet owners themselves, they have the passion—and the credibility—to talk about heartworm disease in ways that resonate with pet owners.”
The training modules, which range from 25 to 45 minutes in length, can be accessed by veterinarians and staff members once they register for the course at https://bit.ly/3W72kr8. The AHS is making the training modules available to veterinarians and staff members free of charge but asks practices that can afford to do so to make a small donation to the organization to defray program costs.
About the American Heartworm Society
The mission of the American Heartworm Society is to lead the veterinary profession and the public in the understanding of heartworm disease. Founded during the Heartworm Symposium of 1974. The American Heartworm Society aims to further scientific progress in the study of heartworm disease, inform the membership of new developments and encourage and help promote effective procedures for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of heartworm disease.