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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Continuing Education

Registering for AzVMA CE Sessions

Yes, as a valued member, you receive a special discounted rate to attend CE sessions hosted by the AzVMA. To receive your discounted registration rate, please “SIGN IN” when registering for an event.

NOTE: Member rates will only be discounted if you are signed in. Sign in is required to link your registration to your CE Transcript. If you need help with your username and/or password please view this tutorial: How to Reset Your Username & Password.

Yes, you may submit registrations for multiple events to the AzVMA. Please email and indicate if you would like them processed as a single transaction.

Yes, all AzVMA programs are open to members and non-members. There are two ways to register for events. First, select the “Education” tab and choose one of the two options below.

Visit the CE Event Registration page to register online.

  • Select the name of the event you would like to attend
  • On the event overview page, select the blue button “REGISTER”
  • If you are a non-member, please select “CONTINUE AS GUEST”
  • On the “Attendee Info” section, enter your contact information
  • Choose “Next” to make your “Attendee Selections”
  • Click “SAVE & FINALIZE REGISTRATION” to be directed to secure online payment

A paid receipt & meeting confirmation will be sent to the email indicated on the registration’s “Attendee Info” page. If you don’t see your receipt, please check your spam/junk email folder.

NOTE: Expired members will not receive the discounted member rate. Please contact for member renewal information.

Upon registering for an event, all registrants receive the following emails:

  • “Thank you for your order” which includes a printable invoice/receipt
  • “Thank you for registering for…” which includes the meeting’s confirmation details
  • “Your Payment Has Been Received” which confirms your payment has been received
  • NOTE: If you don’t receive these emails, please check your spam/junk email folder.

Event sponsorship is only available to AzVMA Allied Industry members. If you are interested in becoming an Allied Industry member click here. All Allied Industry membership applications are submitted quarterly to the AzVMA Board of Directors for approval.

As an Allied Industry member, you may view available sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities on our Sponsorship page (requires sign-in).

AzVMA seeks qualified, topic experts as we take pride in the level of education offered to our continuing education attendees. Individuals interested in speaking at continuing education programs for the Arizona Veterinary Medical Association, may complete the online speaker application form.

Receiving & Submitting CE Credits

Members may access their continuing education (CE) transcripts online for credits earned at AzVMA, VHCTAz or YLAC hosted meetings. Using the steps provided below, you may view and print your official AzVMA CE Transcript for Arizona license or certification renewal.

  • Visit
  • Sign in to your member profile.
  • Select “Quick Links” at the top left.
  • Choose “CE Transcript”.
  • Filter the dates to the current renewal cycle.

Certificates of attendance are available upon request for attendees who completed continuing education programs through the Arizona Veterinary Medical Association. To request a CE Certificate of Attendance, please email and provide your full name, the date of the event, and title or topic of the event you attended. Members may access their full CE Transcript online (see steps outlined above) for credits earned at AzVMA, VHCTAz, or YLAC programs.

The AzVMA’s continuing education offerings are accepted through the Arizona State Veterinary Medical Examining Board as per Administrative Rule: R3-11-402 (A.1.b.) & (A.2.b.) – Approval of Continuing Education.

A. The following continuing education is approved by the Board:

1. For a veterinarian:

b. Continuing education sponsored by the Arizona Veterinary Medical Association, American Association of Veterinary State Boards, a state or national veterinary association or academy approved by the Board, or continuing education approved according to subsections (B) and (C); or

2. For a veterinary technician:

b. Continuing education sponsored by the Arizona Veterinary Medical Association or American Association of Veterinary State Boards or approved by RACE;

Yes, the AzVMA’s Arizona Academy of Veterinary Practice approves continuing education as per Administrative Rules: R3-11-402 (A.1.b.), (A.2.b.), & (A.2.e.). To gain continuing education approval through the AzVMA’s Arizona Academy of Veterinary Practice complete the CE Review Request Form.

The Arizona State Veterinary Medical Examining Board issues licenses to practice veterinary medicine in the state of Arizona and certifies veterinary technicians. Licenses and certificates are renewed every two years to remain active, with an expiration date of December 31st of every even-numbered year. Renewal forms and information may be found on the examining board’s website:

About the AzVMA

AzVMA Leadership

AzVMA’s Board is comprised of officers, directors duly elected by the membership, advisory council, a legislative representative, and AVMA delegates. The Board appoints members to an advisory council and elects two members to represent AzVMA at the American Veterinary Medical Association. AzVMA retains a legislative representative to assist in addressing legislative and regulatory issues.  See a list of current board members here.

AzVMA seeks candidates for seats on its board representing districts throughout Arizona. Applications are emailed to members in districts with open seats annually in the spring.

NOTE: To ensure you receive these important communications, please check that your email is accurate in your member profile.

Getting Involved

AzVMA’s Board is comprised of officers, directors duly elected by the membership, advisory council, a legislative representative, and AVMA delegates. The Board appoints members to an advisory council and elects two members to represent AzVMA at the American Veterinary Medical Association. AzVMA retains a legislative representative to assist in addressing legislative and regulatory issues.  See a list of current board members here.

There are various ways to be involved within the AzVMA without serving on a committee. Consider participating as a volunteer during public events for pet owners. For more information on how to get involved email

The AzVMA Academy Fellow is comprised of a select group of AzVMA member veterinarians in the state of Arizona. Each year, to qualify for the Academy, they must go above and beyond the state requirements for licensure by completing a rigorous series of continuing education courses. To apply or learn more, visit the Arizona Academy of Veterinary Practice page.

Becoming A Member

AzVMA membership is open to veterinary professionals who meet the requirements in the bylaws. Veterinarians must be graduates of an accredited veterinary college. You may join online or by completing the appropriate membership application found on the following pages:

AzVMA has a legislative representative who monitors legislation and helps lead association efforts to influence legislative and regulatory efforts that are favorable to veterinary practice.

AzVMA & the Arizona State Veterinary Medical Examining Board

The Arizona Veterinary Medical Association and Arizona State Veterinary Medical Examining Board are two separate entities.

The Arizona Veterinary Medical Association (AzVMA) is a membership organization for veterinary professionals. AzVMA’s mission is to promote excellence in veterinary medicine through active involvement of its members by providing a forum for the veterinary community to address issues related to:

  • animal & human health
  • animal welfare
  • education
  • legislation
  • public information
  • practice management

AzVMA Resources

AzVMA offers educational pamphlets and posters for practices to share with pet owners. They are available for members to purchase online.

AzVMA believes that self-care is the prescription for a healthy mind and body. In an effort to provide you with a pathway to nurture your well-being, we have compiled digital resources for you to build your well-being toolkit. The veterinary well-being toolkit includes:

  • special well-being education programs
  • positive messaging
  • well-being & self-care routines
  • articles & blogs
  • website resources

AzVMA offers two ways to find a relief veterinarian.

  1. In the AzVMA member directory there is a listing of veterinarians that offer relief services.

  2. Or, visit the AzVMA Career Center and follow these steps:
    –    Choose the “Resume/CV Search” option
    –    Apply a “Category” filter for “Relief” veterinarians 

Yes, the AzVMA Career Center can be utilized to search job openings, find potential candidates, and subscribe to new posting notifications. To place a job opening or for sale ad, please complete the online Classified Advertising Form. For advertising questions, contact 

AzVMA Publications

Arizona Veterinary News (monthly newsletter)

Effective Date: September 1, 2024

All advertisers placing ads with the Arizona Veterinary Medical Association (AzVMA) are required to submit full payment before the publication or distribution of their advertisements. This policy ensures efficient processing and timely placement of ads. Ads will not be accepted or run without full payment.

Payment may be made by online or by mail. Please direct advertising inquires to

To place a classified ad, please complete our online Classified Advertising Form to be emailed a quote based on word count and membership status. To place a display ad, please complete our online Display Advertising Form to be emailed a quote based on ad size and membership status. Please email questions to 

Allied Connection Newsletter

The AzVMA Allied Connection is a communication tool for AzVMA Allied Industry members to share industry news with fellow AzVMA members (veterinarians, veterinary students, and veterinary staff). Issues are released quarterly in January, April, July, and October. 

Allied Industry members may submit editorial content and announcements online using the submission form. Content should align with information that Allied members would present and share when visiting veterinary clinics or while exhibiting at AzVMA events. Messaging should be directly related and/or relevant to Arizona’s veterinary community.

No, this is a complimentary benefit available to Allied Industry members.
