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National Veterinary Technician Week is October 13-19, 2024
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Veterinary Well-being

It is no secret that practice teams come under tremendous pressure to provide excellence in client service and medical care. Burnout, compassion fatigue, finances, and challenging cases all contribute to a toxic mix of emotions that can lead to tragic outcomes.

AzVMA believes that self-care is the prescription for a healthy mind and body. While individuals may sometimes think that they are the only ones who experience negative emotions from factors that are many times out of their control, it is important to know that almost everyone is impacted by these challenges at one time or another. More importantly, it is essential to know that they can be overcome.

AZ Veterinary Well-being Month

The month of January is celebrated with special well-being programs, positive messaging calendar, tips for meeting individual challenges, new partnerships, and resources at your fingertips.

Education & Workshops

View upcoming well-being workshops and continuing education sessions on the AzVMA CE Calendar.

Well-being Program for Practices

This program offers veterinary teams an opportunity to strengthen workplace well-being principles such as communication, support, appreciation, and teamwork.

Well-being Toolkit

AzVMA has compiled resources to help you build your well-being toolkit in an effort to provide you with a pathway to nurture your well-being.

Assistance Hotlines & Resources

Knowing when to reach out for help – and doing it – might be the most important part of your well-being plan. AzVMA has compiled a list of assistance hotlines and resources which can be accessed here.

Grief Support Resources

We've compiled comprehensive Grief Support Resources to provide veterinarians and pet owners with the emotional support and guidance they need during difficult times.

If you believe that you’re in crisis, please get help immediately

Or by contacting the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s Crisis Chat team. Text HOME to 741741 for free, 24/7 crisis counseling. For medical, police and fire emergency situations always call 9-1-1.

Order “AzVMA Crisis Hotlines Resource Wallet Cards” & “AzVMA Crisis Hotlines Resource Magnets” for team members.